Posted tagged ‘No Country for Old Men’

Top 10 Oscar Movies

February 20, 2008

So in lieu of our Top 10 movies of the season, we’ve decided to make a top 10 Oscar nominated movie list. However, I was too lazy to actually look up all the nominations so Sean and I basically compiled all our Freakin’ Awesome worthy pictures into a list. Readers, we would welcome any suggestions!

1. No Country for Old Men

2. The Diving Bell and the Butterfly

3. There Will Be Blood

4. Michael Clayton

5. Juno

6. Darjaleeing Limited

7. Hot Fuzz

8. 300

9. Ratatouille

10. Lust Caution



Last man I want to see walking towards me

hmm…Leonidas vs. Anton Chigurh

Damn I love this movie


Hot Fuzz and 300 may be debatable, but we had so much fun watching them that we felt they deserved a spot on our prestigious list. This year has been marked with some badass heroes, from Leonidas, Dieder Dangler (Rescue Dawn), every single character in No Country for Old Men, especially Josh Brolin and Javier Bardem’s characters, the ultimate badass Daniel Plainview (PERFECT performance by the marvelous Daniel Day Lewis), to George Clooney as Michael Clayton. You may notice that American Gangster is not on there. Personally, I was unimpressed with the movie. I think they could’ve went deeper with Frank Lucas, instead of idolizing him. There is a darkness there that can transform a good movie into a phenomenal classic.